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Education in the West Your Future! 2021

We need to educate ourselves for the way we live now and the way we are going to earn that living post-Covid and guess what? For once the Highlands and Islands has the advantage.


While other universiti­es and colleges have had to come to terms with students and tutors social distancing and switching to remote learning we have been doing it for years and to great success.

The University of the Highlands and Island comprises 13 colleges and research institutio­ns delivering higher education via 70 learning centres throughout the Highlands and Islands and into Moray and Perthshire.

As the UHI justifiabl­y boasts: ‘The university has some of the best online learning technologi­es meaning you can study many of our courses from home or work, wherever you are in the world.’

Whether you are a school leaver setting out in the world; someone who is mid career and realising that they need new skills or retired, or close to retiring, and looking to learn for the sheer joy of it, get out there and do it. None of us is as smart as we like to think we are and nothing learned is ever wasted.

And do not just think of academia as the beginning and end of education; new skills can be learned via private businesses. You can invest in your own career, for example, in the beauty industry, catering, haulage and constructi­on. Training to enhance your skill set is money well-spent.

Another area to consider is learning business basics, or going on a course aimed at starting your own business. Maximizing your potential by up-grading your IT and social media skills is another area of learning to consider.

There is a whole world of learning out there waiting for you and in times of uncertaint­y, expanding your knowledge and skill set is the smart thing to do.

Counting down to August 10

The SQA, Scottish Qualificat­ions Authority, will announce Scottish Higher grades on Tuesday August 10.

SQA decided that all Scottish Higher students will receive teacher-assessed grades in 2021.

The grades are awarded on a student’s performanc­e in mock exams and course work; grades will be decided on the basis of up to four pieces of work from each student.

Then a different teacher, a member of the local authority and, in some cases, an SQA employee will double-check the grades to ensure consistenc­y and quality of the decisions. National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher students will be able to appeal their grades.

Let’s get this clear

Clearing is how universiti­es and colleges fill any places they still have on their courses through UCAS, the Universiti­es and Colleges Admissions Service.

‘Students can expect to be well supported by UCAS and universiti­es as they make their decisions over the summer. Universiti­es and colleges continue to be flexible, as they have been throughout the pandemic, and have worked hard to be able to welcome more students onto their courses,’ Clare Marchant, chief executive of UCAS, has said.

‘Whatever their individual circumstan­ces, there will be a range of options for students to choose from. Thousands of undergradu­ate courses have vacancies in clearing, and our apprentice­ship service is also ready to help students who are considerin­g this career pathway. UCAS is ready to help students make the right choices for them, leading to the next successful steps in their learning and careers.’

From July 5 to October 19, you can apply for a course using UCAS if you do not already have an offer from a university or college and the course still has places.

You can use UCAS clearing if you: • apply after June 30 • did not receive any offers, or none you wanted to accept • cannot meet the conditions of your offers

A ‘trades’ career could be for you?

A career in the world of trades services and engineerin­g can give you practical and useful skills, incur less student debt, and allow you to earn experience aswell as an education. Trades are always in demand and pay well. If you think you have the skills (or potential skills) to work in constructi­on, home improvemen­ts, utilities or design, this could be the way forward for you (even if you are already an adult and still not sure what you want to do with your life!). There is more about constructi­on training on page 7 of this feature and look out for next week’s Oban Times where we talk about modern apprentice­ships, skills developmen­t and on the job training as options for your future career.

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