Argyllshire Advertiser

FORTY YEARS AGO Friday, July 23, 1982

Strike action hits hospital laundry


As the dispute between National Health Service workers and the government enters its fourth month, union officials in the Argyll and Bute Hospital at Lochgilphe­ad have made it clear that they intend to continue their campaign of industrial action.

In response to the TUC health service committee call for strike action, most of the hospital laundry staff withdrew their labour from Monday to Wednesday of this week.

With only three workers reporting for duty, management were forced to help sort dirty linen.

Laundry staff who were on strike received financial support from the union strike fund with the donations coming from other hospital workers and from the local branch of NALGO, who paid the wages of three workers for the three-day period.

No labour was withdrawn in other sectors of the hospital, but all the industrial action taken in the last few months was more strictly adhered to.

This includes a ban on all emergency admissions, an overtime ban, and a ban on cleaning of all non-clinical areas.

Earlier this week Mr David Russell, secretary of the Lochgilphe­ad branch of COHSE, slammed the latest government claim that no more money was available.

‘This government is leaving the way clear for private medicine by running down the NHS.

‘When people have to pay for their healthcare it is inevitable that it is those in the weakest position like the old and underpaid who will suffer most.’

And a union spokesman said on Wednesday that they wanted their case for a 12 per cent pay increase to go to ACAS – the independen­t arbitratio­n body – as they felt their pay demand would be looked upon favourably. If the pay dispute continues it seems likely there will be further selective withdrawal­s of labour within the next few weeks with the hospital kitchen a likely target.

 ?? ?? 1982: Stefano Maini of Parma, Italy, was the winner of the bonnie baby competitio­n at the Rotaract Fete. Stefano’s mother, Roma Maini, formally Roma Philand of Ardrishaig, has been in Italy for 18 months and is back on a visit to see her mother and father. Also in the picture, enjoying an ice cream, is Stefano’s older brother, Marco.
1982: Stefano Maini of Parma, Italy, was the winner of the bonnie baby competitio­n at the Rotaract Fete. Stefano’s mother, Roma Maini, formally Roma Philand of Ardrishaig, has been in Italy for 18 months and is back on a visit to see her mother and father. Also in the picture, enjoying an ice cream, is Stefano’s older brother, Marco.
 ?? ?? 1962: Sixty years ago, when few people had a landline telephone installed in their homes, and mobile phones were the stuff of science fiction, this is how you got in touch with a client.
1962: Sixty years ago, when few people had a landline telephone installed in their homes, and mobile phones were the stuff of science fiction, this is how you got in touch with a client.

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