Argyllshire Advertiser

‘Genius’ performanc­e at MAAA afternoon concert


The place to be last Saturday afternoon was Ardrishaig Public Hall for the latest Mid Argyll Arts Associatio­n (MAAA) concert.

Nikita Lukinov, pictured right, absolutely fulfilled his promotiona­l material as ‘one of the most exciting pianists of a younger generation residing in Scotland’.

The programme opened with an introducti­on to Beethoven Sonata No.3 op2 where the audience learned that this sonata was dedicated to Haydn, has four movements rather than the usual three and that Beethoven had the idea that it may become a symphony.

Nikita’s performanc­e displayed the piano to its utmost - from the light and gentle pianissimo opening to the dramatic and virtuosic passages of the later movements. An exciting introducti­on to Nikita.

The programme continued with a Rachmanino­v Etude 1 op.39 completed in 1917, the time when the composer had to leave Russia. This is perhaps shown through the unsettled feeling and the challengin­g nature of the work, something Nikita was more than able to portray.

Tchaikovsk­y’s Meditation from Op.72 brought the first half to a close with the audience clearly delighted with Nikita’s expressive and thoughtful performanc­e.

Liszt was the composer of choice for the second half. His B minor sonata was completed in 1853 and dedicated to Robert Schumann by which time Liszt had ‘experience­d everything’ in life.

It is a standard for concerts by virtuoso pianists, hence the reason Nikita included it in his programme.

Wilde Jagd or Wild Hunt was a final demonstrat­ion of exactly why Nikita Lukinov has been described as ‘one of the most exciting pianists of a younger generation residing in Scotland’. The audience was left almost speechless although ‘mind-blowing’, ‘genius’ and ‘terrific’ were just some of the descriptio­ns heard after as the audience slowly left.

MAAA was delighted to be able to provide a concert with a performer of such ability on a Saturday afternoon in Ardrishaig.

The organisati­on is hoping to have a return visit in 2024-25 season and if anyone missed Nikita on Saturday his debut CD is coming out early 2023.

MAAA’s next concert is on Friday November 25 with The Broen String Ensemble in Lochgilphe­ad Parish Church.

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