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Thought for the Week


The spider seemed to be embarking on a perilous journey.

I was having a shower and noticed the little eight-legged creature hanging from the ceiling. It must have come in the window but there it was, starting out on a journey across the ceiling.

What skill in being able to travel upside down and not lose its footing. On and on it went, slowly but surely. The words of that famous song from the musical Wicked came to mind – ‘defying gravity’. The spider’s journey was a model of perseveran­ce against the odds.

In life we have to persevere, sometimes against the odds. It’s not all plain sailing. We have to cope with disappoint­ment, bereavemen­t, loss of jobs, loss of friends and more.

It is difficult to persevere all on our own. We need help to see us through difficult situations. That usually comes in the shape of friends, life partners and work colleagues.

‘A problem shared is a problem halved.’ In times of difficulty, many people find the words of Holy Scripture a comfort and a help.

Let us turn to the Old Testament and to the 23rd Psalm.

‘The Lord is my shepherd, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me’.

Or in the gospel of Matthew: ‘Observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.’

These words can have a calming effect. They can help us persevere.

The spider reached its destinatio­n. So must we.

David O McEwan, St Kiaran’s Scottish

Episcopal Church, Campbeltow­n.

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