Argyllshire Advertiser



Our heart-felt congratula­tions go to Denise Murdoch of Ardrishaig and Sheena Stewart of Minard, who both received awards from King Charles in the New Year’s honours list.

Denise received an MBE for services to older people in Argyll and Bute while Sheena, who is warden at Chalmers Court sheltered housing complex in Inveraray, was awarded a BEM for services to the community in Mid Argyll.

Reading about all the good work and caring these women do and have been doing for people in our communitie­s for years was truly inspiratio­nal. Well done to them both.

Thank you, everyone

And Mid Argyll folks did it again. Thanks to people’s generosity in the run-up to the festive season, Moving On Mid Argyll helped a number of families have a better Christmas than they were perhaps expecting.

A total of 150 bags were collected, filled with all manner of food, toiletries and other seasonal treats. These were used to make up 80 parcels, which were distribute­d via social services, the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Carr Gomm, Mid Argyll Youth Developmen­t Service and other agencies to nominated recipients. Many businesses and individual­s supported the effort, despite the ongoing financial crisis. It is this kindness that is felt in so many ways that makes our communitie­s such great places to live and work.

Bring hope to children across the world

As I begin another new year, I find myself looking forward with excitement for what the next 12 months may bring.

I feel incredibly fortunate to start 2024 filled with optimism for the future. Sadly, not everyone can start the year with the same hope.

Millions of children across the world, often impacted by civil war, natural disasters or drought, won’t even know where their next meal is coming from.

Many years ago, I started giving my support to Mary’s Meals, the internatio­nal school feeding charity which does incredible work in 18 of the world’s poorest countries by encouragin­g children into the classroom with the promise of a daily school meal.

Mary’s Meals provide little ones with energy, education and a ladder out of poverty, but also gives them something we often take for granted: hope for a brighter future.

I decided to set up a regular donation to the charity because I wanted to know that each month, I was helping to feed another child at school.

The certainty of a regular gift enables Mary’s Meals to keep the promise to the 2.4 million children they feed every school day, while they strive to reach millions more who remain hungry.

And as your readers begin to take on their New Year’s resolution­s, I’d ask them to consider adding another very important one to their list: to give the gift of hope in 2024.

A gift of any size makes a huge difference – it costs just 10p to provide a nutritious meal for a hungry child.

If you set up a regular gift to Mary’s Meals before January 22 2024, then your first two donations will be doubled as part of the charity’s Double The Love appeal.

To change a child’s life and give hope for a brighter future, please visit I wish you all a happy and peaceful New Year.

Ruth Mitchell, Mary’s Meals supporter

Bring on dry January

The festive season brings excitement for many, but it can also be a time of indulgence, and perhaps ▍ drinking more alcohol than we would like.

As we head into a new year, many people will be wanting to feel a little fitter and healthier.

In fact, our research shows that one in four of us would like to drink less alcohol in 2024, and one in six UK adults (16 per cent) plan to take a break from alcohol this January.

Dry January® is the perfect place to start! It shows us that we don’t need alcohol to have fun, relax, celebrate, unwind or anything else.

What’s more, so many people tell us they have an even better time when not drinking alcohol, as they feel more present, can remember the evening more, and enjoy waking up hangover-free, feeling fresh and energetic.

We know that taking that first step to change habits can be hard, but research shows that those who take part in Dry January® from Alcohol Change UK double their chances of success, through access to our free Try Dry app, daily emails and a supportive online community.

A month off alcohol won’t just mean short-term boosts to your wellbeing, but has been proven to lead to lower blood pressure, cholestero­l and diabetes risk, as well as lower cancer-related proteins in the blood.

So if you’re looking to make long-term changes for the better, take a look at uk for more.

Dr Richard Piper, CEO of Alcohol Change

UK, the charity behind Dry January®

 ?? ?? Alan Frew’s son, Aidan, decided to go for a pre-Christmas dip in the sunset at Skipness beach on December 22, 2023. Alan said: “It made for quite a sight...he says he felt better for it!”
If you have a photograph you would like to share with our readers, please sent it to editor@argyllshir­eadvertise­ or visit the Argyllshir­e Advertiser Camera Club on Facebook.
Alan Frew’s son, Aidan, decided to go for a pre-Christmas dip in the sunset at Skipness beach on December 22, 2023. Alan said: “It made for quite a sight...he says he felt better for it!” If you have a photograph you would like to share with our readers, please sent it to editor@argyllshir­eadvertise­ or visit the Argyllshir­e Advertiser Camera Club on Facebook.
 ?? ??

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