Argyllshire Advertiser

Funding windfall for Furnace community group


Furnace SCIO is one of three community groups celebratin­g after grants totalling almost £14,000 were handed out by An Suidhe Wind Farm Community Fund to support local projects.

The fund is made available by RWE and Green Gecco, the owners of An Suidhe Wind Farm near Loch Awe, and is administer­ed by Foundation Scotland.

Grants were approved by the community fund panel, which meets twice a year to decide on funding awards which support organisati­ons based in and around Furnace, Inveraray, Dalavich and Eredine.

The other two successful organisati­ons in this round of funding were the Dalavichba­sed Avant Gardeners and Portsonach­an Village Hall.

Furnace SCIO were given the largest grant in this round, receiving £8,600. The money will support plans to refurbish the garden area of Furnace Village Hall, creating a safe and pleasant outdoor space for the use of the local community.

Lynda Syed of Furnace Community SCIO said: “The area at the back of the hall - the ‘garden’ - has never been fit for community use. The wooden fencing is unfinished and the ground rough. There is heavy link fencing across the disabled parking space and the area is unattracti­ve and blocked off with heavy concrete blocks. We plan to create a secure, accessible beautiful outdoor space with planters and seating, suitable for family use and events, which will increase the potential for the hall to be a venue for weddings and other celebratio­ns.”

The Avant Gardeners were delighted to receive an award of £2,340 to support the continued developmen­t and maintenanc­e of the Dalavich Community Garden. Building on the award made by the An Suidhe panel last year, this support will enable the group to continue to develop this facility which provides an important haven for the community of Dalavich.

The third award of £3,000 to

Portsonach­an Village Hall will enable the hall committee to redecorate and spruce up the hall to make it more welcoming for the community and user groups of the hall, a much-loved and essential part of village life.

Katy Woodington of RWE said: “Community buildings and outdoor spaces are such a vital resource and we are pleased to see the fund being used to preserve and improve them, making sure they continue to provide spaces for local people to use, enjoy and come together.

“If you have a community project or idea and would like to find out how the fund might be able to support you, then we would really encourage you to get in touch with Foundation Scotland to find out more.”

The An Suidhe Panel meets twice a year to award grants with the next closing date on Monday April 1 and the panel will meet to decide the awards on Monday May 13. Go to:­scotland. funding-available/suidhe.


Police were called to an ongoing disturbanc­e at 12.50am on Sunday January 14 at the Inveraray Inn, Inveraray. A male allegedly began to be abusive to police, threatenin­g to fight them, leading to his arrest. He refused to provide his personal details, as legally required. The woman with the man reportedly also continued to swear and be abusive, despite repeated warnings from officers. The 26-year-old man and

27-year-old woman have been charged and a report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.


In Lochgilphe­ad on January 13-14, police were called to a man who was reportedly drunk and incapable; drinking alcohol to the extent he needed help from police and NHS service.

Due to other preceding incidents where it was alleged the 50-year-old man was found in similar circumstan­ces and warned about his behaviour, he has been charged and a report sent to

the procurator fiscal.

Drug driving

Police were called to an accident at 12.15pm on Friday January 12, after a white van went into a ditch off the A83 near Kennacraig.

The driver was tested with a drug wipe, which he allegedly failed.

The 41-year-old male driver and vehicle were searched under Misuse of Drugs Act powers, and allegedly 4.1g of cannabis recovered.

The man was charged with possession, blood samples obtained and a case submitted to the procurator fiscal.

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