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Thought for the Week


Inspiring swifts return

Have you seen your first swift this year and been inspired by their long return journey from Africa and ability to do virtually everything on the wind?

In their tireless flight, propelled by the wind, we witness a remarkable display of endurance and agility.

Yet, amidst this ceaseless motion, there lies a poignant contrast with our human need for rest. A vivid metaphor for the frantic pace of modern life, where the pursuit of productivi­ty often overshadow­s the importance of rest.

But just as the swift occasional­ly finds refuge to replenish its strength, so, too, must we pause and find solace in rest.

Ecclesiast­es 4:6 reminds us: “Better one handful with tranquilli­ty than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.”

Scripture consistent­ly emphasises the significan­ce of rest, both physically and spirituall­y. In Psalm 23:2, we find assurance that our Good Shepherd leads us beside still waters, restoring our souls.

Likewise, Jesus invites us in Matthew 11:28 to come to Him and find rest for our weary souls.

Rest is not a sign of weakness, but a recognitio­n of our humanity and dependence on God’s provision. It is in these moments of stillness that we rediscover our purpose and align ourselves with His will.

By honouring the rhythm of rest, we not only rejuvenate our bodies but also nurture our souls, finding strength and clarity to face life’s challenges.

This week, let’s embrace the gift of rest as a sacred pause in the symphony of life. For in the quiet moments of rest, we discover the profound truth that true abundance is found not in relentless activity, but in the peace that surpasses all understand­ing.

Reverend Chris Holden, Fishermen’s Mission.

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