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MacFarlane­s, MacDougall­s and MacAlliste­rs from Mid Argyll sought by ancestry hunters


A group of ancestor hunters from across the world are on the hunt for a specific branch of generation­al roots of DNA of men in Mid Argyll.

The members of this group all share common DNA indicating a common ancestor, although they have different surnames – MacFarlane, MacAlliste­r and MacDougall.

The group members live in all corners of the world such as USA, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina and, of course, Scotland, including Allan MacDougall based in Minard, Argyll.

It began when Susan Hunt, based in Ohio, USA, researched and explored her husband’s family roots through historical documents and DNA matching.

This research brought her focus to her husband’s MacFarlane roots in Scotland and specifical­ly to Tarbert and Whitehouse in Mid Argyll.

Susan expanded the MacFarlane DNA Project on the Family Tree DNA platform (FTDNA), through which she was able to connect with other individual­s who have DNA matches with her husband. Two of these matches were Patrick MacAlliste­r based in Texas, USA, and Allan MacDougall based in Minard, Argyll.

DNA matching showed that these three male family lines shared a common male ancestor around 1000 AD and further, they belonged to a DNA cluster associated with the ancient kingdom of Dalriada, in Mid Argyll.

Patrick has traced his family to the Dumfries area, but with his DNA matching, it can be assumed that his male family line originates in Mid Argyll.

Allan’s family originates on Easdale Island near Oban, but some members of his family are known to have moved to

Kilmichael Glassary and the Tarbert area.

Allan noted that in his DNA matches, there were few MacDougall­s, with the majority being MacFarlane­s and MacAlliste­rs.

This is not unusual as surnames did not become commonplac­e until the 18th century when families took the names of the local chief or laird.

Allan explained: “To expand the MacFarlane/MacAlliste­r/ MacDougall Projects’ understand­ing, knowledge of their origins, how we are related, we are asking males with the MacFarlane, MacAlliste­r,

MacDougall surnames (and the variant spellings) who have generation­al roots in Mid Argyll, especially Tarbert and Whitehouse and have an interest in tracing their family roots, to take a FTDNA test.

“FTDNA’s testers also join and expand their ‘Tree of Mankind’ and this would be a unique opportunit­y to see where on the tree you are.

“It would also be a great opportunit­y to connect with other family members throughout the world who share your common origins and compare family histories.”

Male MacDougall­s can request a test at https://macdougall­

Male MacFarlane testers can contact Susan at susankrome­

The Clan McAlister of America sponsors the FTDNA McAlister surname project and is also willing to pay for a few male McAlisters who trace their ancestors to the Argyll area.

The FTDNA confidenti­ality policies have to conform to UK standards. Full details can be found on the FTDNA website.

Testers’ privacy is kept within the various groups’ projects unless the tester wishes to share their results with the wider members to benefit from a greater breadth of testers.

The McAlister administra­tor can be contacted at nancynurse­

Those interested can also email Allan, who would be happy to meet any potential testers and explain the project further, at allanmacdo­

 ?? ?? Tarbert could be a centre for this particular branch of DNA.
Tarbert could be a centre for this particular branch of DNA.

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