Ashbourne News Telegraph


- By Gareth Butterfiel­d gareth.butterfiel­d@ashbournen­ewstelegra­

HORSES, hounds and huntsmen have enjoyed a warm welcome from the people of Ashbourne, who gathered to wave off the annual Boxing Day hunt.

The Four Shires Bloodhound­s – a pack which only hunts human scent (known as the “clean boot”) chooses Ashbourne as the start point for its annual festive meet, which is supported by businesses in the town.

The pre-hunt get-together on the Market Place gives the hounds a chance to meet the supporters, while getting to know their human quarry, who was once again seasoned fell-runner and fitness instructor Patrick Wright, from Matlock.

And while Patrick shot off towards the fields for his customary head start, the traditiona­l “stirrup cup” drink was served to the riders by the Ex-servicemen’s Club. This year about 55 horses took part in the hunt, and hunt master Chris Kane said the turn-out from supporters was one of the best he’d seen.

He told the News Telegraph: “Everything went superbly, we had a cracking turnout from the public, both in the square and on the roadsides. They were all very supportive.

“We had a great turnout of horses on the day, and we have a lot of people to thank.

“Mainly the public, the shopowners and the council for allowing us to be there.

“We’d also obviously like to thank the landowners and Dove Service Station for allowing us to box up there in the morning ready to hack up to the square.”

Mr Kane says support for Ashbourne’s hunt seems to grow each year, with more people than he’s seen before turning out to the 2018 event.

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 ?? PICTURES by Geoff Woods, Moments in Time Photograph­ics ??
PICTURES by Geoff Woods, Moments in Time Photograph­ics
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