Ashbourne News Telegraph

The secrecy over smell just stinks

- Hilltop resident

I CANNOT begin to understand why the source of the smell which has been lingering in the hilltop estates for all these years has to be kept secret.

Those of us who have suffered it will be well aware of what it smells like and many of us have drawn our own conclusion­s. These conclusion­s have been quite varied, but all pointing to a small handful of possible culprits.

Surely, in the interests of fairness to all the suspects, naming the “parties” that it turns out are actually involved would be the right thing to do?

Fingers are presumably being pointed at the wrong “parties” and the only way to straighten this out is to ask the actual culprits to own up.

As was pointed out in last week’s editorial comment, Severn Trent has assured us that the “parties” involved have not done anything wrong, so why can’t we be told who they are working with and, more importantl­y, what is being done to stop it.

At the moment it feels like we’re never going to see an end to this unpleasant nuisance. In my book they’ll be building a bypass before something gets done.

(Name and address supplied)

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