Ashbourne News Telegraph


- By Mike Warner Ashbourne Churches Together

A COUPLE of weeks ago we read the story in church that Jesus told about the Good Samaritan. The one where a man gets mugged and left for dead by the roadside.

The “good citizens”, a priest and a lawyer, ignore the man and pass by on the other side of the road and the only person who helped was a “despised foreigner”.

This story was told in response to the question “Who is my neighbour?”. Jesus was emphasisin­g that our idea of neighbourl­iness needs to go out to all of God’s people, however far past the end of our street that needs to be.

Jesus finished his conversati­on with the man who asked the question with the words “Go and do likewise”.

We can often find excuses for not getting involved – no time, do enough already, or, more likely (though we would hate to admit it), not interested.

But imagine what our town would be like if we could all squeeze a little bit extra to help someone else.

Our churches help in many ways – the food bank down at Elim church (always in need of a few more specific items) or Ossie’s Kitchen at St Oswald’s Church Hall (always ready to feed a few more or receive a bit more help), the hospital visits they make, the farmers they visit the charities at home and abroad they support and the many other areas of Social Action that is falling more on Churches and less on Local Authoritie­s.

We live in a beautiful area – but underneath that beauty there is need. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all “Go and do” and if you need a bit of help or want someone to talk to, contact one of our churches. We all have people who have learnt TO DO.

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