Ashbourne News Telegraph

An early glimpse of return to some normality


IF you look hard enough, there are faint glimmers of hope that we’re soon about to start going back to some kind of normal.

The DIY stores have opened, dog-groomers are starting to get back in business and the government is to reveal plans that could form the first phases of easing the lockdown.

We’re in for a long journey as we prepare ourselves for a gradual road to recovery. If lessons from other countries have taught us anything it’s that second waves of the outbreak can kick in if we ease restrictio­ns too soon.

It’s not wise to assume we’ll be back to normal within a few months, but it is a time to look out for small nuggets of good news as we dip our toe into what will feel like a new world.

For some, this may mean going back to work. We might be able to visit shops we haven’t seen for what feels like an eternity. We might even be able to travel further, go for longer walks, exercise outdoors more or see specific family or friends.

On Friday, as we all unite in isolation to celebrate VE Day, let’s hope we’re heralding a last hoorah of lockdown.

Let’s hope, as we raise a glass to the occasion and to the servicemen and women we’ve lost along the way, that we’re also toasting a new beginning.

By next week we should have a clearer idea of what will lie ahead. We might not know how long it will take to return to normality, and we might be facing more hardship and further restrictio­ns.

It will be more important than ever to adhere to the Government’s rules, do what we’re told when we’re told, and we should emerge from the lockdown sooner.

If we mess it up we could be right back where we started.

And that would be a tragedy for everyone, especially the families who will lose loved ones as a result.

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