Ashbourne News Telegraph

Free BT calls would help us


I WOULD like to tell British Telecom that lot of us not-so-young use the phone to stay in touch. It’s our lifeline, especially at the moment and as a generation we are we are phoning each other, our family and friends and neighbours constantly, probably running up a big bill.

Could BT be asked to waive all landline telephone bills? Many notso-young cannot use a mobile or even a computer for various reasons, including disability.

We have supported BT through the years, never switching supply. Indeed, BT (formerly the GPO) have been with us at Home Farm since 1946!

Thank you to local newspapers and radio for keeping us informed, cheerful and helpful. What a grand job you’re doing supporting the community.

It is the ordinary that is our sanity and holds us together

It’s lovely to see the pictures in windows these last two weeks, especially pictures of our Queen with her crown (all sorts of designs) pictures of St George fighting the dragon, pictures of flags and pictures of rainbows for our glorious NHS and social care and the ubiquitous unicorns. Unicorns apparently represent children and young people and especially hope for the future.

We now remember our NHS and social carers too, especially our frontline workers.

So buy a local newspaper, listen to the local radio and shop local. Donate to your local food bank if you can. We are truly in this together.

William Deaville Idridghay

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