Ashbourne News Telegraph

Hall Your gets MP fund writes for boost us

Derbyshire Dales MP SARAH DINES has offered to write a regular column for News Telegraph readers, starting this week with her thoughts on the district’s response to the coronaviru­s pandemic

- Sarah Dines in Parliament

I AM delighted to be able to share with you the first edition of my new column in the Ashbourne News Telegraph.

Every other week I will hopefully be able to give you an insight into what I have been up to in Parliament and in the constituen­cy, updates on issues and to share a few of my thoughts.

It is starting to feel like autumn is here and Derbyshire Dales is looking particular­ly beautiful at the moment. If I’m not in Westminste­r, you can find me travelling around the constituen­cy to and from various meetings.

As I am moving from meeting to meeting, I always try to take a few moments to pause and take in the beautiful natural scenery we have here. I always feel so privileged to represent such a beautiful constituen­cy.

I personally think it’s the most beautiful county in the UK but I may be biased. This time of the year is one of my favourites. I love the trees changing colour and the excitement in the usual run-up to Bonfire Night and Christmas.

The national newspapers say this year’s Christmas could be under threat, with the new guidelines and the “rule of six”, and I know that many of my constituen­ts are already concerned how they will have to adapt their usual Christmas celebratio­ns in line with these rules.

I understand these concerns but we still have time to change the tide. If we all follow the new rules, continue to wash our hands, wear face masks when it is appropriat­e and keep our distance from one another, we have every chance of being in a better position to enjoy Christmas with our extended family and friends.

If we don’t have a normal Christmas, I have no doubt that the brilliant local communitie­s in Derbyshire will rally together.

Technology has played such a vital role in how we all have communicat­ed during this pandemic and I know that despite not being what we are used to, residents will rise to the challenge of a virtual Christmas.

We have so many talented and gifted people in Derbyshire Dales and no doubt technology will play its part in making virtual choir and festive performanc­es a reality, if we sadly can’t enjoy them in person.

The importance of technology has never been clearer and that is why I am in constant dialogue with ministers and stakeholde­rs to address broadband and connectivi­ty issues in Derbyshire Dales.

In this day and age, everyone should have a broadband speed that enables them to use the internet and stay in touch.

As a country we are now at a Covid crossroads.

Infections are rising nationally and there is a real fear the virus will get out of control and cost more lives.

Despite this, Derbyshire

Dales continues to have a very low rate of infection, which is testament to residents following the guidelines and looking after one another during this pandemic.

In Parliament last week I raised a question to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, asking that he consider areas like Derbyshire Dales where we have a low infection rate and to consider removing the 10pm closing time for wedding venues, hotels and pubs to allow the local economy to get running again.

We have so many brilliant pubs, hotels and wedding venues in the constituen­cy and I worry for their future. I will continue to push for this.

Every time I have visited a pub, hotel or a wedding venue during this pandemic I have been greeted with profession­alism and care and have seen residents respecting the guidelines. I feel passionate­ly that our area should be rewarded for this.

As we are approachin­g Remembranc­e Sunday, I was pleased that the Lord Chancellor confirmed on October 12 that the Conservati­ve backbench “Desecratio­n of War Memorials Bill” will be included in the Government’s new White Paper on sentencing.

I am so proud this

Gove Government is picking up on what w backbenche­rs are sayin saying.

It w was a disgrace to see the Ce Cenotaph attacked this su summer. It is absolutely r right to bring this into law.

If you want to see what I am doing on a daily basis you can follow me at D Dines4derb­yshiredale­s, or email me if you have con concerns or questions at sarah uk.

The importance of technology has never been clearer. I am in constant talks over broadband issues

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