Ashbourne News Telegraph

Why we need to get with the programme


WHILE the first national coronaviru­s lockdown came as a bit of a shock to our systems, accustomed as we were to the freedom of going where were we wanted, when we wanted, the second one feels like a sad return to what we jokingly referred to as a “new normal”.

Its timing could scarcely have been worse. Remembranc­e Day was just a few days away, the Christmas run-up was just about ready to get off the blocks, and pubs and restaraunt­s were settling into a new way of working.

To lose the entire month of November to another lockdown will be a lot to stomach for some businesses, which are still reeling from the last one. But it could be worse.

At least, it certainly will be worse, if we don’t just stick to the rules.

Even if only for the sake of your health, obey the rules. We were generally quite good at staying at home last time, so let’s do it again.

Don’t abuse the guidelines. Don’t put people in danger. Don’t believe you’re invincible and ignore the advice and the rules.

You might not feel vulnerable, but someone else could be. And they’re the reason there’s Nightingal­e Wards, intensive care units and, tragically, a death toll.

More to the point, if we don’t adhere to this lock-down it could easily have to go on beyond December.

There are people out there who plan to boycott the lock-down because it’s bad for mental health and the economy.

And they’re right, it is. But boycotting it will prolong it. So suggesting we ignore the rules is hypocrisy in its crudest form.

Lockdowns don’t last forever. Things will get better. We will come out the other side. Let’s just make one more effort and ensure we still have a community to go back into once the danger finally subsides.

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