Ashbourne News Telegraph


- By Rev Carollyn Mcdonald Priest in charge, of the Peak Five

ONE of the trees in my garden usually has lots of rotten berries on it. They fall onto my car in the autumn, and get stuck in the air vents.

This year it has not produced any fruit at all, and by the middle of October, all the leaves have fallen off too. It is looking very wintry.

Like the rest of this year so far, in some ways it has flown by – shifting quickly from one season to another, while some weeks seem to last for ever; like summer holidays when we were little.

New trees have been planted on Windmill Lane to replace some of the rotten trees that were removed in the late spring. It’s good to know that new life will keep that green aspect into the future.

The trees have been pollarded, so will look like twiggy lollipops once the all the leaves have fallen.

Seasons of life we use to refer to our own lives – as we shift from school and childhood into the next phase of life, and, with health and help, end up at the end of our lives in old age.

Looking back, we might count our blessings, and mourn those we have loved and lost.

It is the time of the turning of the year that turns us to reflection. Facing the winter has never, for us, been so full of uncertainl­y, with Covid-19 spreading, and the resultant hard times. Through this season of mellow fruitfulne­ss, bright colours and leaf kicking in the park, we face weeks of cold, frost, rain, bare trees and maybe snow.

What will our Christmas celebratio­ns even look like? We need hope more than ever. May I encourage you to be brave and learn the new technologi­es if you haven’t already, so that you can keep in touch with loved ones, community and activities, dip into the church services, online prayers and hymn singing in our own homes, to fill the longer duller days. Just ask, I am sure someone will help you.

Let’s keep community strong and be the colour and sunshine in each others lives.

 ??  ?? Leaves have been falling ahead ofwinter
Leaves have been falling ahead ofwinter

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