Ashbourne News Telegraph

Lockdown hurts the law-abiding


THE majority of us are living our lives safely and abiding by the rules, whether we are in lockdown or not.

The minority are living their lives unsafely, flouting the rules, arrogantly and selfishly putting the rest of our lives and jobs at risk, and feeling good about themselves whilst doing it.

Why? Have they perhaps never been taught that in a civilised society sometimes you have to obey the rules even if you do not like them or even agree with them?

The laws and rules are there for the good of the majority, and the only statement they are making about themselves is “Hey, look at me, aren’t I stupid? Let’s keep this virus going for ever. I don’t care because it won’t get me”.

Regrettabl­y we no longer have a police force which has the power to do much about this situation, so the majority of us will have to continue to put up with these reckless idiots, and suffer the consequenc­es of a virus which will not easily go away.

The Government has continuall­y stated that “it is only a tiny minority in this country who are flaunting the rules”, as if that tiny minority will not make a difference. Really?

Have all of those people who spend their time in the Houses of Parliament lost sight of what life is like in the real world, in the towns and cities, in the supermarke­ts, in the streets, on the buses, on the trains?

I believe so, otherwise they would not be so arrogant as to dismiss the negative influence that “tiny minority” can have on the majority of us in times like these.

This country has become so weak that it no longer has the power to deal with a tiny reckless minority of people, who are thwarting the efforts of the rest of us to rid ourselves of a virus which is killing people, filling up our hospitals with virus casualties at the expense of other people who were being treated for cancer etc.

Also missing out are people who are waiting for routine surgery, those who are waiting for consultati­ons, and all the other thousands of people who are having to put their lives on hold while they wait for hospital attention.

Lockdowns do not affect the minority of non law-abiding citizens because they will carry on as usual.

The lockdowns merely penalise the majority of law-abiding citizens who were complying with the rules anyway

This country no longer has the ability to enforce law and order.

But we are so good at political correctnes­s are we not?

Michael Pickering


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