Ashbourne News Telegraph

I’m taken aback by resilience of amazing, caring Derbyshire folk

The vaccine roll-out is going well, but Sarah Dines says the Dales is being tested


OVER 6.8 million vaccinatio­ns have been administer­ed so far across the UK. This is an extraordin­ary number.

On January 23, a record 491,970 people received their first dose of the vaccine. It is incredibly difficult to actually picture what that number means, but perhaps it is even more difficult to picture the incredible amount of work that goes into the vaccinatio­n programme.

For every vaccinatio­n there are scientists, project managers, delivery drivers, car park attendants, nurses, doctors and a whole host of volunteers to make the vaccinatio­ns happen.

I often find myself in awe of the scale of this operation and in awe of the countless people giving their time and dedication to this process.

The vaccinatio­n programme brings a sense of hope, which is something we all need when times are difficult.

At an already incredibly difficult time, Derbyshire was hit last week by Storm Christoph and as a result many homes and businesses were flooded.

Thankfully Ashbourne and the surroundin­g area wasn’t hit as hard as other parts of the Derbyshire Dales, but I know that you will all join me in thinking of those that were affected.

I cannot thank the Derbyshire Dales District Council and all the volunteers who helped them enough.

I have been your MP for over a year now, but I am always taken aback by how resilient and caring Derbyshire residents are.

When a crisis hits, you all pull together, and I am truly so proud to represent you.

My mailbag this week has been increasing­ly filled with letters from parents concerned for the future of their children. From university students to primary school education, I am passionate about making sure that there is a sense of normality going forward.

The school years are so important and as a mother I recognise how difficult it must be for parents to manage home-schooling, on top of all the responsibi­lities they already have.

I also know that this time is incredibly hard for children, who just want to see their friends and learn.

I am in constant talks with ministers to push to see a return to normal education for our children, of course when it is safe to do so.

Our mental health is such an important and often complex topic. I hear from constituen­ts how they are struggling with the isolation that this lockdown and period of uncertaint­y brings.

Like everyone, I sometimes find the situation we are in to be incredibly difficult. We all want to see our friends and I for one will never take hugging my family for granted ever again.

Last week I met with a new Derbyshire charity, the Peak Support Group, who are actively working to provide support to people in the community who are struggling. They provide support for all ages and sexes, but they are also providing male-only drop-in sessions.

The statistics surroundin­g the mental health of our younger male population are truly terrifying and I am passionate about removing the stigma surroundin­g mental health.

Struggling with your mental health is never something to be ashamed of.

If you are struggling, it is so

good to talk and know you are not alone. The most difficult but brave thing you can do is to admit you need a bit of help.

Times are difficult at the moment, so please, if you know anyone who is struggling, encourage them to talk.

There are fantastic organisati­ons such as the Samaritans who are available 24 hours a day. You can call them for free on 116 123.

It can sometimes feel scary to admit you are not OK, but please know you are not alone and there are people available to help.

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 ??  ?? A patient receives their Covid vaccine. Inset, Ms Dines recognises how difficult homeschool­ing is for families, and is passionate about removing the stigma surroundin­g mental health
A patient receives their Covid vaccine. Inset, Ms Dines recognises how difficult homeschool­ing is for families, and is passionate about removing the stigma surroundin­g mental health

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