Ashbourne News Telegraph

When will we be finally set free?


HOW much longer must the good guys be locked up while the bad guys continue to spread the virus?

We hear about the police catching 20 or more people having a party here or there, and we have heard about 400 people having a wedding reception in a hotel with its windows blacked out – but I assume they are the result of tip-offs.

We don’t have enough police to cruise the streets so how many are getting away with breaking the law?

It would be a very conservati­ve guess to assume that one out of every 200 people are breaking the rules – or 325,000 spreading the virus nationwide.

To show how this number is easily achieved, in my own family we have just one of these “unbeliever­s,” which represents one out of 16 in our family. There will be plenty more like us, some perhaps much worse.

My opinion is that the people who are locked down and obey the rules – the majority – are not spreading the virus. The rest are.

We had one day off at Christmas when many responsibl­e people were also celebratin­g, within the rules, and the result has been catastroph­ic.

After Christmas new infections went up to over 60,000 per day, which only proved the stupidity of relaxing the rules for Christmas.

The question therefore, is why are responsibl­e people still continuing to be locked down, because when they are released from lockdown, they will continue to be responsibl­e in their behaviour.

Meanwhile the plus/minus 325,000 will continue to behave as they do with or without a lockdown because they can get away with it.

Teachers should be vaccinated, children should be back at school. Many parents are working, for goodness sake.

Gyms should be reopened before they all go bankrupt. Hotels, restaurant­s and coffee shops should be reopened to save the jobs of all the people who work in them.

Pubs which serve food should be allowed to open and be able to serve drinks with meals.

All the aforementi­oned spent serious money before this lockdown in adapting their premises to safeguard the health of their clients.

Many years ago, I believed that the people in Government were intelligen­t. Why on earth should anybody assume that? Do they have to possess any formal qualificat­ions in order to become an MP? No.

It has become glaringly obvious in recent years that many of them have slightly more or less intelligen­ce than the average man or woman in the street and I fear for our children’s future because of that.

Michael Pickering


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