Ashbourne News Telegraph

Tories now have to live up to their promises


THERE are some big promises to live up to in the Conservati­ve manifesto, which will now be under close scrutiny following the party’s historic victory on Friday. For the first time in Derbyshire, the Tories have retained control of the county for a second time. And this, they tell us, will mean all sorts of good things for Derbyshire, and for Ashbourne. More investment in our road network, more money spent on green issues and flooding impacts and - perhaps most importantl­y for Ashbourne another four years to work on getting the bypass done. On a national level the Conservati­ve Party has been very vocal in its pledges to spend more money on infrastruc­ture, and spending our way out of the economic slump caused by the pandemic. And, indeed, our MP Sarah Dines has always been quick to remind us of the number of times she quizzes senior politician­s - including Boris Johnson – on the need for an Ashbourne bypass. But as the national focus remains on “levelling up”, how will what is very much a trueblue town such as Ashbourne stand when it comes to seeking funding for a relief road? It could present a challenge for county officials, but let’s hope it’s the only challenge they now face. They’ve been given the gift of time. They already had community support, and there’s clearly a quantifiab­le need to route traffic away from the town centre. An optimist would suggest this is now our best chance ever for a bypass. The political shades are all aligned, the enthusiasm levels have never been higher, and the momentum can continue unabated. Would it be right to be optimistic? We can only hope so.

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