Ashbourne News Telegraph

We need to hear from minorities


THOSE reciprocat­ive comments from Rob Archer describing the Ashbourne Blackamoor’s Head cannot go unchalleng­ed.

So vehemently put was it that I ask, “are we looking at the same head?”

One word, “typical”, was quite correct in describing the features of a black person but the whole context of that paragraph was grossly incorrect, misleading and, if I may say, has the capacity to incite racial opinion.

My view is that the features, though naive (maybe originatin­g from 1824), show a true likeness to the black person – no feature is exaggerate­d or distorted (two elements required for it to be a caricature).

Being so opinionate­d in referring to it as a caricature, by definition you must regard every black person of that descent, as caricatura­l – and that, Rob, is not a good place to be.

His subsequent narrative is also subjective. He doesn’t understand those “others” he mentions, also contrary to his thoughts on informing those who ‘walk beneath.’

Just how many will bother to find a head hidden away in a glass case if they don’t even know where it was – it needs to be in a prominent public space to prompt the curious, to ask the question.

A strategica­lly-placed notice below would direct and inform, not only where the original head is now – but where a heritage museum exists.

This way the whole context is preserved and kept in perspectiv­e.

Though I respect Rob’s thoughts, his eloquent portrayal to date of this whole debacle is, I honestly think, misinforme­d.

These obviously are my own thoughts and how I see it – I welcome debate.

I do ask though, with all sincerity for the black community, BAME, etc to comment, to be involved and give their views and thoughts on this matter.

This is very important, as it would appear that us white people are rabbiting on among ourselves and getting all “uptight” not involving the main factions involved.

Keith Haywood


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