Ashbourne News Telegraph

The great escape


- ALAN TITCHMARSH Gardening Expert

YOU could argue that the garden will be the last thing on your mind during the next few weeks.

But there will doubtless be a moment when a breath of fresh air will come as a welcome respite to all that eat, drink and be merry stuff.

For me, a little light pottering in the garden over the Christmas period is a chance for a bit of peace and quiet, so it’s good to have a few jobs in mind that can afford an excuse to get some fresh air.

If you happen to get a dusting of the white stuff, take snaps of the garden looking lovely – snow covers a multitude of sins and can make the most derelict of plots look worthy of a Christmas card.

Then knock the snow off all your evergreens and conifers. I know it’s pretty, but the extra weight can easily snap branches.

If it’s just frosty, keep off the grass or you’ll spot nasty brown footprints once the thaw arrives.

And remember the birds this festive season by hanging up as many nut and seed feeders as you can afford and getting in a large supply of bird food.

Top them up every day and make sure you provide fresh water – either in a decorative bird bath or

For me, a little light pottering at Christmas is a chance for peace and quiet

an upturned dustbin lid nestled into the ground.

Put up bird boxes too as they’ll be home-hunting now for next spring.

Have a pair of secateurs in your pocket to snip off stems and branches that are in the wrong place or which are getting in your way.

Roses are very good at ripping jackets and snagging sweaters, so do a little early pruning, although the main job can be left for a couple of months yet.

When you go back in, settle down with a glass of whatever takes your fancy and go through the seed catalogues, marking up what you’d like to grow next year.

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Foraging: Berries provide a lifeline for thrushes
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