Ashbourne News Telegraph

David Etheridge

Chairman, Ashbourne Camra


AS many chose to welcome in 2022 at our local pubs and bars it’s time to look forward to what the year could bring for hospitalit­y.

The dominant factor will be Covid and the impact of new strains, rules and guidance.

Last year’s shutdowns and restrictio­ns have seen many venues close for good – to become future housing and flats, no doubt. We have been very fortunate in Ashbourne and the surroundin­g villages that we have only lost one venue, which is approximat­ely 2% of the venues in our area against a national average of 7%.

However, even one business closure is one too many.

It is the loss of a family’s livelihood, employment for staff, trade to suppliers and another empty building.

The reliefs from the Government were welcome but fell short of what was required. Rent and bills still needed to be paid, although it’s pleasing to report that several breweries and pub companies offered rent reductions.

Many venues chose closures as a time to do some decorating, a time to “smarten the place up” and a chance to diversify with takeaway and delivery services.

We have seen new outdoor seating pop up in beer gardens and car parks and, as venues reopened, we have seen a change in what is being offered. We have seen a resurgence in music, new food offerings, tasting sessions and much more, to entice us out of our living rooms and back into bars, pubs and restaurant­s.

“But is it safe?” is a question I hear frequently. The answer, in most cases, is a YES.

Venue operators have gone to great lengths, and expense, to make your visit as safe as possible. Many venues insist their staff take Lateral Flow Tests, have stricter cleaning regimes, more space between tables and the addition of partitions where required.

If in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask. So how do we protect hospitalit­y and ensure our local stays open? Its simple, just use them!

Pop in for a pint or a coffee. Pop in for a light snack or celebrate a birthday or anniversar­y in one of our excellent pubs and restaurant­s.

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