Ashbourne News Telegraph

Community should be not be underestim­ated

Sarah Dines talks about why sometimes you are left thinking ‘Wow, isn#t Ashbourne amazing’


SOMETIMES when you live somewhere you can begin to take for granted all the brilliant and special things that area offers.

You do not notice all the special aspects that make up the place you call home until you are reminded by a special event taking place or perhaps after you have been away for a while.

Your eyes are opened, and you are left thinking, “Wow, isn’t the Ashbourne area an amazing place,” or at least, that is what I find myself thinking regularly.

This is brought home to me every week. Required as I am spend Monday to Thursday in Parliament when the House is sitting each week, when I drive into Ashbourne on a Thursday or Friday, I get to experience that very lovely particular feeling of coming home, especially after an often hectic week.

I see the same people on the Market Square, the same people walking their dogs wrapped up against the cold, I pop into the same shops, pick up some fish and chips, visit my butcher for the weekend’s supplies and get to open my front door and breathe a sigh of relief to be back in the Dales.

I do not think that the importance of community, especially in areas like ours, should be underestim­ated.

Christmas is a beautiful time, full of merriment and cheer, but it also can be an incredibly difficult and lonely time for some. This year, please do look in on your neighbours and loved ones as we did during the pandemic, as there may be people struggling and Christmas should be a time for brightness, not sadness.

This past Friday, the people of Ashbourne were reminded of the light in the darkness that Christmas represents for so many.

The Lantern Spectacula­r procession took place in the town, watched by hundreds of people mingling on the streets and I have to say it was truly marvellous to see.

The lanterns were clearly made with love and effort and so many talented people participat­ed.

Young and old joined in and others looked on with fascinatio­n and awe and as always it was quite literally a joy to behold. Thank you to every single person who participat­ed and organised this wonderful event.

Before the parade I popped into the Methodist Church to see their fantastic panel display about the story of Christmas.

It is sometimes easy to forget in the glare of the beautiful twinkling lights, the real meaning of Christmas. The churches across the constituen­cy have put on some beautiful displays this year and I do recommend that if you have an opportunit­y, please do visit them this Christmas.

I think one of the most wonderful things about the parade on Friday, was that just like the Christmas light switch on recently, the whole town of Ashbourne came together.

People who are new to the area, those who were born here, those with family in the area going back hundreds of years, elderly, teenagers and toddlers all came together to celebrate.

This doesn’t happen everywhere and perhaps should be a reminder of just how special Ashbourne and the surroundin­g area is.

My next column for this Newspaper falls after Christmas day, so please do forgive me if this feels a little too early, but Happy Christmas.

I hope that your Christmas is filled with warmth and light.

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