Ashbourne News Telegraph

Sometimes your reasons can be drowned out by social media


Sarah Dines talks about her reasons for being a Conservati­ve MP...

I RECENTLY took part in a question-and-answer session at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School Ashbourne Academy where I was able to introduce myself to sixth-form students and they were given the opportunit­y to ask me their questions.

It was a spirited and enjoyable morning and I particular­ly enjoyed seeing a few of my former brilliant work experience students in the crowd.

I sometimes think the core reasons for our pledging support for a political party can get drowned out by the noise of social and mainstream media. It was quite refreshing that to start the session, I had the opportunit­y to explain why it is that I am a

Conservati­ve and why I chose to stand for Parliament in the first place.

My reasons for being a Conservati­ve can very quickly be summed up in my belief in low tax, aspiration, minimal government interventi­on, my support for the union, that I am proud to be British, I support our monarchy, I believe those that work hard should be rewarded and those that need help, get it.

I support our police and think there should be a tough yet fair stance on crime, I want to protect our farmers and businesses and I believe that our borders should be protected from illegal migration and immigratio­n beyond what our country can sustain.

I also believe that those who need our assistance, should be supported, and granted asylum, which we can only continue to do if we put an end to criminal gangs profiteeri­ng off illegal migration.

For me, it is really simple, I believe that in our society, if you work hard, your hard work should be rewarded and those that cannot, are protected and supported.

To do this, we need a strong economy, and I am so pleased that The Chancellor and the Prime Minister are dedicated to this mission by starting this year with a cut to national insurance, which the Chancellor has stated could see savings for a typical family with two earners of nearly a thousand pounds this year.

Regular readers of this column will know my views on illegal migration already, but in short, I do not support migration that puts pressure of our already stretched public services and I certainly do not support criminal gangs profiteeri­ng from illegal migration via small boats.

This government must stop the small boats and take a commonsens­e approach to immigratio­n as a whole.

I recently was quoted in The Telegraph discussing my concerns regarding the abuse of spousal visas.

When I was Safeguardi­ng Minister, I was greatly concerned to see first-hand the inadequate safeguards which meant an increasing number of young women are arriving in the UK and were falling victim to domestic abuse in arranged marriages.

The number of family-related visas more than doubled in a year in 2023, to 82,395, of these 65,278 were directly to partners. The current electorate of Derbyshire Dales currently is around 71,145.

We have so many fantastic things that make me proud to be British and our farmers and produce are just one example. I am very aware that Upland farmers in Derbyshire Dales face particular challenges, and I am petitionin­g the Government for more assistance to create a level playing field with our other sectors of the agricultur­al industry.

As we begin this year, I am so pleased to see UK farming schemes announced which will bring increased funding, streamline processes, and enhance environmen­tal incentives.

These improvemen­ts, proposed by Environmen­t Secretary Steve Barclay, will empower our local farmers, strengthen supply chains, and align with the government’s commitment to produce 60% of the food we eat in the UK.

There is no reason that the food we eat shouldn’t come from the UK and locally, so I am pleased this national shift is becoming a reality.

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