Atherstone & Coleshill Herald



Frank Bartlett whittingto­

THEFT: Our local Co-op was recently broken into in the middle of the night with neighbours being woken by burglar alarms. The target of the thieves was the shop’s cash machine but they were unsuccessf­ul as the explosive failed to ignite. CPR: Staffordsh­ire Ambulance Service, under the control of Roger Thane, was the most efficient in the country, possibly the world, with the fastest effective response times by far.

He achieved this by adopting the most advanced medical technology and innovative organisati­onal approaches.

One innovation was the introducti­on of Community First Responder Groups trained to a higher-thannormal level with access to and training in the use of a wide range of techniques, equipment and medication­s. Following Staffordsh­ire’s amalgamati­on with West Midlands in 2007, many responders, including the Whittingto­n Group, withdrew their services concerned by a reduction in the range of treatments available for their use.

They felt they could be in attendance at an incident with the knowledge and training to effectivel­y intervene and save lives but without being allowed to. Our village group however continued to serve the community by providing public defibrilla­tors and training. This, plus efforts by the parish council, local businesses and social groups, meant Whittingto­n became one of the best equipped communitie­s in the country. Many former members are now of an age and stage when they are no longer able to provide training and are delighted John Revell has stepped up, found qualified trainers and is organising training classes in CPR and the use of defibrilla­tors. Sessions, if there is a demand, will take place in the village hall and each will be able to accommodat­e twelve trainees.

The first will be on Saturday, 6th April from 3pm to 5pm. For more details contact John through the What’s Happening Whitington Facebook page.

FLOWERS: Whittingto­n Flower Arranging Society will be hosting Sarah Fenton, a NAFAS demonstrat­or, who will be talking on the theme “Floral dance” in the village Hall at 7.15, Wednesday, 27th March. Tickets will cost £5 for members and £10 for guests and will include refreshmen­ts.

For more informatio­n contact Lynne Lacey on 01543 432202 or 0781845315­1.

POO: We love our dogs and following Covid there are many more of them providing welcome affection, companions­hip and exercise.

Of course, every silver lining has a cloud and the cloud in this case is the huge amount of faeces they produce.

The majority of owners are responsibl­e citizens who carry their poo bags and take their dogs’ droppings home with them. This admirable practice however raises an environmen­tal issue. Having been weaned away from the use of environmen­tally damaging plastic bags when shopping, we are now encouraged to buy even more to service our dogs’ hygiene needs. They will all end up in land fill if not used to decorate local hedges.

EASTER: Events at our church: Palm Sunday, 24th March, 9.30, Parish Eucharist, Good Friday, 29th March, Pilgrim Walk of Witness to Lichfield starting at Whittingto­n Pharmacy, 8.15am, Easter Day, 31st March, Eucharist, 9.30, St Giles Church.

BLITZ: Staffordsh­ire Regimental Museum is hosting a “Blitz – 1940s event 2024” on Saturday, 20th July and is seeking vintage vehicles of the period. Contact the museum if you can help.

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