Atherstone & Coleshill Herald

‘Phenomenal’ chief executive receives applause on goodbye

A final full council meeting for Andrew Barratt

- By DAN NEWBOULD News Reporter

APPLAUSE marked Tamworth Borough Council’s “phenomenal” departing chief executive’s last Full Council meeting last week.

Stephen Gabriel will take over from Andrew Barratt from April 1 when he retires at the end of March after a 28 year local government career, and 20 years with Tamworth Borough Council.

Mr Barratt spoke during the meeting to say: “It is a big day for me and a big couple of weeks.

“I have really enjoyed my time here. It is a magical place. As some of you who have known me for the length of time I have been here will know, I came here for a couple of years because the job sounded interestin­g, 21 years near enough I am still here. There is something about Tamworth that is absolutely magical and special.

“I have been fortunate to progress throughout the authority, we have got some great people, the staff make this work and you are a good bunch of members. Regardless of your political difference­s, when it matters you have always made the right choice and I think that is important to know we have got that level of workabilit­y. Tamworth is in a great place. Stephen has got a task to do over the next few years and you will all get there with him.”

Mayor of Tamworth, John Harper, led the tributes, saying: “Tonight is rather special in that it marks the final appearance here before this council of our esteemed chief executive. He is leaving very shortly to take up retirement in the Isle of Wight and I am sure that we all feel the same that we are going to miss a man who is respected throughout the council, whether that be by councillor­s, officers or anyone else involved.

“He is a thoroughly knowledgea­ble, modest, sagacious man. We will miss his advice, his lovely smiling personalit­y.

“He is always optimistic, incredibly helpful and admired by just about everyone. We are going to miss him terrifical­ly not only for his personalit­y but for his absolute integrity, honesty. He is just a thoroughly decent, nice man who is incredibly good at his job. Ladies and gentlemen, I am not sure if this is a precedent that we can set or if we need to follow but I am going to say it anyway: Councillor­s, could I please ask you to put a round of applause together for our chief executive.”

Cllr Danny Cook added: “As leader of council who originally signed Mr Barratt’s original contract of employment as chief executive, I actually recall when the previous chief executive Tony Goodwin was announcing his intention to retire, Mr Barratt said to me he had no ambition to become chief executive of this council; none whatsoever. I walked down the corridor when I found out he wasn’t intending to put his nomination in to be the next chief executive and I sat in his little office and said to him ‘what the hell do you think you are doing?.’

“After about a 30 minute conversati­on his applicatio­n went in and he came for interview. My God it was the best interview we had that day, that is why he is chief executive.

“We have had some fantastic officers over the years I have been elected, 20 years, but two massively stood out for me beyond anything else. One was Tony. When I was first elected it was said if it’s broken, give it Tony. That mantel was taken up by Andrew. If it’s broken, give it Andrew. “These literally are the two men I will recall the most of when it’s broken give it to them and it ceases to be broken. Tamworth has developed so well under his guidance. I am going to miss him massively.

“It is quite strange actually, Andrew joined the council one year before I was first elected. This is also my last council meeting, I also intend not to restand. It has been an absolute pleasure over those years working with you. Anything I have ever achieved from this council was from the guidance of Andrew and Tony. Thank you for your service.”

Council leader Thomas Jay said: “He has served the town 21 years and done an amazing job. I have worked closely with him this last year and found him to be rational, level headed, gives sound advice and genuinely cares about Tamworth so I just want to say I wish you and your wife many happy times and thanks for everything.”

Cllr Jeremy Oates said: “I was already here when Andrew arrived. I remember him coming to the authority.

“He has gone on to great things since then. There is a privilege that leaders have and that is you end up spending lots of time with chief execs and the great thing about Andrew is his profession­alism but also he is a personal individual. I will miss those discussion­s. You have done a sterling job.”

Cllr Rob Pritchard said: “Andy always knew what was best for the town, he was always there to give sage advice and is a model local government officer. He always understood the bigger picture and the value of the destinatio­n.”

Cllr Stephen Doyle said: “You have been a great bloke to work with. You have always been there for advice, I have learned a lot from you. I have had a great time working with you and will miss you.”

Cllr Carol Dean, leader of the opposition, said: “The time has been very educationa­l. I am very grateful for the way you have dealt with us. I have sadness about the knowledge we lose when you go.”

Cllr Jay thanked Cllr Cook for his service, saying: “When you are elected it is a hard job and you are putting time in to serve the town, anyone who has done it for 20 years deserves a thank you.”

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