

- @ kameronmic­haels

Kameron Michaels

What were your rejected drag names? Kameron is my middle name and it was my only choice. Sorry! Describe yourself in three emojis. Describe your drag style in fi ve words. Deadly, silent comic- book goddess. Worst pick- up line someone has said to you? “Pretend I’m a butterfl y and stomp on me.” Maybe that’d work on Asia O’Hara. What’s the worst thing someone could say to you in bed? That they liked my Cher number… then proceed to give pointers on Cher. I wouldn’t stand for that. Believe me! How would ( or does) your Grindr profi le read?

Butch gaymer queen.

Biggest turn- on?

A big di… I mean, a warm smile.

And turn- off ? When someone can’t separate Kameron from Dane. If you could be any inanimate object in the world, what would you be?

Erm… a jar of salsa. What would a fi lm of your life be called, and who would star as you? Cutting, Lifting, & Death Drops. Dwayne Johnson would play me. What’s your spirit animal?

A velocirapt­or.

Where is your happy place? At home alone. I’m an introvert and have no problem owning it.

What makes you angry?

People who don’t understand what being an introvert is. Buy a dictionary! You’ve been given 24 hours to live. How do you spend your day? Doing everything left on my bucket list — and punching three or four people I don’t care for. What would Super one strength. you superhero like to possess? power What live without? three items couldn’t you My lipstick. phone, my PSP and a fi erce You’re does the dead epitaph ( sorry). on What your gravestone read?

“Quiet! She’s sleeping.” Which drag sister would you want to haunt after death?

Asia because she scares easily.

What does heaven look like? French bulldogs running all over the place.

And hell?

Backstage during Drag Race. You’ve been abducted by aliens. What would your parting message to Earth be? “This isn’t over! You’re going to pay for this!” You can travel back in time. Where would you go and what would you get up to? Probably a few years ago to rethink my early drag choices. You’re known as a muscle queen. If you brought out your own range of protein shakes, what would they be called? Barbie- moo. Like barbecue? Geddit? Fuck you. If you had to insure one part of your body, which would it be?

My arms. Look at them! What’s the most embarrassi­ng thing that’s happened to you at the gym? Seeing a cute guy, losing control of my weights and letting out a loud female- sounding gasp. Gym daddy fantasy ruined. If you could tattoo a fellow queen, who would it be and what inking would you give them? I’d give Aquaria a tattoo of a crown. She’s the queen.

“People who don’t understand what being an introvert is make

me angry. Buy a dictionary!”

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