

Elizabeth I — the first bio queen

- @ ladymunter

The Drag Race winners are the fierce ruling bitches for a good reason, Miss Thing! And like all good pussies, they’ve been sharpening their claws online lately. Recently crowned season 11 winner Yvie Oddly found herself in hot water when she took to Twitter to explain ( via a weird chef analogy) why she most certainly would not be taking free photos with fans after an energy- draining show. I getcha boo, no one needs sweaty- faced selfies haunting them for days. But fellow Ru girls weren’t so sympatheti­c: cue season six winner and allround bad bitch Bianca Del Rio! The most delicious tête- à- tête ensued between the two champs, with the Queen of Mean essentiall­y twisting Denver’s Oddity of Drag Commodity’s wee titties!

All Stars Four joint- winner Trinity the Tuck was also not pulling any punches when she went in on gay former child actor Blake McIver — famous for, oh um, PRECISELY NOTHING — when he described the brilliant Pose as “just Glee with a viral load”. Our Trinity was one of the many queer voices to drag him for using people living with HIV/ Aids as a punchline, causing the fanny to delete his accounts. Category is: see ya, loser!

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