


The latest fitness news and tech

Say goodbye to your old gym membership and get on board with a new way of working out. ClassPass kind of does what it says on the tin: your membership gives you access to fitness and wellness classes at thousands

of studios and gyms around the world — handy if you often find yourself on the go. Each membership level offers a number of credits to use on classes each month, with different ones costing different amounts, depending on location, time, popularity and equipment used. Participat­ing studios include some

of the best around, and along with fitness classes such HIIT, box fit, spinning and kettle bells, there are more holistic options such as yoga and pilates, as well as an increasing focus on wellness offerings, such as

acupunctur­e, massage and spa sessions.


 ??  ?? For an exclusive two- week free trial, visit
classpass. com/ try/ attitude
For an exclusive two- week free trial, visit classpass. com/ try/ attitude

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