Auto Express

Martin Saarinen

Got any car queries? Martin_ @Ae_consumer


Q Should dealer fix flywheel?

I BOUGHT a 2010 Vauxhall Insignia in August. A week later the dual mass flywheel failed and now needs replacing. The dealer I bought it from isn’t being helpful. What are my rights? Richard Bonny, E-mail

A FLYWHEELS are a wear and tear item, so even if you have an extended warranty on the car it’s unlikely to cover repairs. If the dealer advertised the car as being mechanical­ly sound, you may have a case under the Consumer Rights Act for compensati­on given the car was “not as described”.

Q Cost-per-mile conundrum

I AM rejecting my four-month-old Jaguar XF. I’ve done 4,500 miles, and my dealer says it will reduce 70p for every mile from the original price to calculate my refund. Is this standard? Ron Goodin, E-mail

A INDUSTRY adjudicato­r Motor Codes says there’s no single rule for calculatin­g the reduction from the original price when handling a refund as it depends on more factors than just miles driven. Whether your quote is fair would be considered by the dealer on an individual basis.

Q Concern over missing key

A FRIEND recently bought a used VW Passat. On the test drive the spare key was present, but when he bought the car it wasn’t. He’s had a spare sent to him, but should he get a new set? Paul Gredley, E-mail

A AS the dealer has already sent a new set of keys, there are little grounds for it to reprogramm­e another set free of charge. Reprogramm­ing keys can easily cost more than £100, and your friend would have to cover this expense if he wanted peace of mind.

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