Auto Express

What do the autonomous car levels mean?


TO help define what a ‘driverless car’ can do, there are five key stages of automation.

LEVEL 1 automation refers to technologi­es such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance and autonomous emergency braking, where the driver and onboard electronic­s share control of the vehicle.

LEVEL 2 autonomous technology can assume full control of the throttle, steering and brakes in controlled circumstan­ces, such as motorway driving or parking. The driver must monitor the system at all times and be ready to regain control.

LEVEL 3 AND 4-capable vehicles will allow “conditiona­l” and “high” automation respective­ly on dedicated stretches of motorway, where the car can assume complete control of all of its functions without the driver’s supervisio­n.

A LEVEL 3 system would expect the driver to reassume control of the car in certain circumstan­ces, whereas a Level 4 system will be able to respond to incidents independen­tly in all cases.

LEVEL 5 autonomy means the system could drive a vehicle entirely on its own, in both motorway and city environmen­ts without input from the driver at any time. Cars will be wirelessly connected to one another and will communicat­e with the road infrastruc­ture to make decisions on traffic and journey times.

The technology already exists to make this happen in Britain, and trials are continuing in order to make it safe enough to be offered to customers.

“Car makers have found autonomous technology hard to develop, and very expensive. Some have scaled back their efforts to focus money elsewhere, such as on better, more practical EVs” STEVE FOWLER


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