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Workshop for ‘justice services’ now open

- Craig Borland craig.borland@newsquest.co.uk

A NEW workshop set up for people ordered to do unpaid work by the courts has been officially opened in Ayr.

The “justice services workshop” in Viewfield Road is aimed at helping build partnershi­ps between local schools, charities and community groups and those who have been told to carry out unpaid work as part of their “community payback orders”.

The building has already been used by the local “unpaid work team” to bring designs by primary school children for bird boxes and “bug hotels” to life.

It has also been used to build outdoor seating, planters, activity walls and wooden signs for the outdoor space at Muirhead Primary School in Troon.

In addition, the workshop space includes storage facilities for machinery used for gardening and outdoor work – with the team’s recent outdoor activities including clear-up work at Troon’s Esplanade, the Fullarton Woods and Kyle Academy.

The building is operated by the South Ayrshire health and social care partnershi­p (HSCP), which invited staff, partners and the local community for a tour of the building on June 30.

As well as the workshop area, the building also has office space and several private interview rooms.

Linda Semple, chair of the HSCP’s integratio­n joint board, said: “This facility is an incredible asset to our community.

“Having a dedicated space for this work opens up new opportunit­ies to complete meaningful work both for residents completing community payback orders but also to the wider community who can benefit from the projects being run here.

“An important part of community payback orders is to help break the chain of reoffendin­g, being able to learn a new skill, make real connection­s and being able to see a positive output from the work can make a real difference to the outcomes of residents who enter the community justice system.”

Tim Eltringham, the HSCP’s director of health and social care, added: “I was very grateful to be invited to welcome participan­ts to this event and speak a little about the partnershi­p’s vision for this facility.

“A huge thank-you to the unpaid work team who have put such time and care into building this workshop around the needs of our residents.

“The team are dedicated to ensuring anyone who finds themselves involved with the justice service receives the best outcomes through meaningful work and a strong support system.”

 ?? ?? South Ayrshire HSCP’s new ‘justice services workshop’ at Viewfield Road in Ayr
South Ayrshire HSCP’s new ‘justice services workshop’ at Viewfield Road in Ayr
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