Ayr Advertiser

Bomb threat teen hit out at cops who woke him up

- Andy Hamilton andy.hamilton@newsquest.co.uk

AN AYR teenager who filmed himself burning his ex-girlfriend’s clothes on TikTok while sending her videos threatenin­g to bomb her house after they broke up has found himself back in court.

This time Billy Scudder lost the rag at police after they woke him up.

The cops had earlier given the 18-year-old a lift home on March 30, after he was assaulted.

But hours later police were asked to return to his home address in Foxglove Place in Kincaidsto­n.

There they discovered Scudder sound asleep only to find themselves on the receiving end of the abuse when they wakened him.

Scudder appeared at Ayr Sheriff Court for sentencing last week after pleading guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner by shouting and swearing at cops, causing fear and alarm.

The procurator fiscal depute said: “Police were asked to take [Scudder] home after he had been the victim of an assault. He was under the influence of alcohol.

“Police were again scrambled to his address after receiving a further call. He was found asleep and police woke him.”

She added: “He was still feeling the effects of the assault and alcohol.”

Defence solicitor John Gallagher asked for sentencing to be further deferred, for the case to call alongside a review of a ‘structured deferred sentence’ imposed for his previous offence.

Sheriff Mhairi MacTaggart agreed with Mr Gallagher’s submission and deferred sentence until a later date

Earlier this year, the Advertiser told how Scudder had found himself in court after he and his partner of three months broke up by video message in a Snapchat group on September 7, last year.

The town’s sheriff court heard how Scudder “did not take the break-up well” and sent a video within the group threatenin­g to burn his ex’s house down, smash windows and bomb her house, as well as setting light to items of her clothing, and calling her a “m***o” and a “dyslexic b ***** d”.

In addition to the structured deferred sentence for that offence, Scudder was made the subject of a non-harassment order barring him from having any contact with his ex.

 ?? ?? Police found themselves on the receiving end of verbal abuse from Billy Scudder at the 18-year-old’s home address
Police found themselves on the receiving end of verbal abuse from Billy Scudder at the 18-year-old’s home address

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