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MP reveals plan to stand in next general election


AYR, Carrick and Cumnock MP Allan Dorans has announced he plans to stand again at the next UK general election.

Mr Dorans has represente­d the area since the last election in 2019.

His announceme­nt comes after several SNP MPs – most recently Dr Philippa Whitford, who represents the neighbouri­ng constituen­cy of Central Ayrshire – said they would not be seeking re-election the next time the UK’s voters go to the polls.

So far, eight current SNP MPs have confirmed they do not intend to contest the next General Election - due to be held no later than January 2025, but widely expected to take place some time next year.

As it stands, Ian Blackford, Peter Grant, Angela Crawley, Douglas Chapman, Stewart Hosie, Mhairi Black and John McNally have all announced that they will not be running for re-election – with Dr Whitford following suit earlier this week.

Mr Dorans said: “It has been an absolute privilege to serve the people of Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock as their elected representa­tive at the Westminste­r Parliament for the last three and a half years.

“I confirmed with the SNP national secretary this week that it is my intention to seek re-election as the Member of Parliament to represent this constituen­cy at the next General Election.”

Mr Dorans won the seat in December 2019, defeating Conservati­ve candidate Martin Dowey.

The 20,272 votes for Mr Dorans represente­d 43.5% of all the votes cast, and gave him a majority of 2329 votes over his nearest rival – who is now the leader of South Ayrshire Council.

The area had previously been represente­d by the Conservati­ves’ Bill Grant, who defeated incumbent Corri Wilson of the SNP in June 2017.

 ?? ?? Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock MP Allan Dorans
Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock MP Allan Dorans

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