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Teen assaults police over ‘his last joint’

- Andy Hamilton andy.hamilton@newsquest.co.uk

A TEENAGER lashed out at police after they caught him lighting up a cannabis reefer in broad daylight in a Maybole street.

Levi Murphy tried to headbutt one of the cops while resisting arrest in a prolonged struggle in the centre of the town earlier this year.

Ayr Sheriff Court heard that the 18-year-old had lashed out after protesting to police that it was his “only joint”.

Sentence had been deferred until a hearing last week after Murphy pleaded guilty to five separate charges, including drug possession, police assault and resisting arrest.

The procurator fiscal depute told last week’s court hearing: “At 11.10am police officers observed the accused at the corner of Carrick Street on Maybole High Street.

“The accused took what appeared to be a cannabis reefer cigarette from his jacket pocket.

“Police challenged him that he was clearly smoking cannabis.

“The accused tensed his arms, putting his hands in his pockets. He refused to desist and stated that it was his only joint.

“He was eventually handcuffed and thereafter attempted to pull his arms. He was informed he was under arrest and continued to resist, pull back and flailed his arms.

“The accused pulled back from police officers and attempted to headbutt an officer.

“He then pushed a police witness causing her to fall back. The accused continued. They managed to get him on the floor and gain control on him.

“He was conveyed to Ayr police office and police officers’ checks confirmed it was cannabis.”

Sheriff Shirley Foran responded: “So all this over a joint?”

Defence solicitor Tony Currie said: “He was not yet 18 at the time.

“We have an idea of his difficult upbringing, although neither is an excuse, as he was made subject of a community payback order before these offences were committed.

“After this, he was given the opportunit­y of full-time employment.

“The [social work] report mentions a hotel it is one of the country’s leading hotels.”

Sheriff Foran told Murphy the job was “an opportunit­y to move on”, and warned him: “I don’t want to see you back here.”

Murphy, of Minnoch Crescent, Maybole, was fined a total of £320, including a payment to the Scottish Government’s victim surcharge fund.

On the drug possession charge, he was admonished.

 ?? ?? Levi Murphy was caught with a ‘cannabis reefer’ on the junction of High Street and Carrick Street in Maybole
Levi Murphy was caught with a ‘cannabis reefer’ on the junction of High Street and Carrick Street in Maybole

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