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Council reveals road closures for air show

- Darren Gibson darren.gibson@newsquest.co.uk @DarrenGMed­ia

COUNCIL bosses have revealed full details of temporary road closures in Ayr during the town’s air show next month.

The Internatio­nal Ayr Show Festival of Flight is set to draw large crowds to the area on September 8, 9 and 10, and traffic build-up could occur in certain residentia­l areas.

A number of roads in Ayr, Prestwick and Monkton will be shut for some or all of the event.

As well as informatio­n on planned road closures, South Ayrshire Council has also written to residents in the affected areas with details of how to apply for permits.

Emergency vehicles will still have access to all affected routes.

According to informatio­n published on the Tell Me Scotland website, some roads will be completely closed, with no access to unauthoris­ed vehicles at any time.

Others will be available for access for residents only.

Several more roads will have total bans on waiting and loading for the duration of the event, while others, again, will have partial restrictio­ns, with only residents allowed to park.

Closures with no unauthoris­ed access at any time are: Sections of Bath Place, Blackburn Road, Cassilis Street, Corsehill Road, Esplanade, Pavilion Road, Queens Terrace, Queens Terrace Lane, Racecourse View, Rosebank Crescent, Saint Germain en Laye, The Battery, and the west, south and north sides of Wellington Square.

Closures with exemptions available for residents are: Alloway Park, Alloway Place Lane, Charlotte Street Lane, Park Terrace, Fairfield Road, Savoy Park, and sections of Blackburn Drive, Cassillis Street, Midton Road and Wellington Lane.

There will also be temporary prohibitio­ns on turning right out of Doonholm Road and Maybole Road on to the A77.

Wider informatio­n for residents can be found at www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/ayrshow-residents.

Full details on the road measures are available online at bit.ly/ayrshowroa­ds

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