Ayr Advertiser

Mum fears new campus is set to let down some kids

- Darren Gibson darren.gibson@newsquest.co.uk

A MOTHER has hit out at South Ayrshire Council – claiming that the new multi-millionpou­nd Maybole campus is not for everyone.

The new education centre will incorporat­e Carrick Academy, St Cuthbert’s Primary School and the new Culzean Primary School and Early Years Centre – formed from the amalgamati­on of Gardenrose and Cairn primary schools – creating a learning environmen­t for up to 1370 pupils.

The school, which cost approximat­ely £60 million, also features outdoor sports facilities, a changing pavilion and an indoor swimming pool which will be available for public use, and a replacemen­t for Maybole Police Station.

However, one Maybole mother said that South Ayrshire Council should be “ashamed of themselves”, and has claimed that her son and others will not be able to join in on the use of the new campus and its facilities, adding that it “excludes some of the most vulnerable children within the community”.

Paula Hunter has said that there is a lack of care and provision for those with Special Educationa­l Needs at the new campus.

Paula told the Advertiser: “I can’t help but feel anger and disappoint­ment that the new campus is not inclusive for all and excludes some of the most vulnerable children within our community.

“My son is 10, he recently moved from mainstream school to a supported facility within another mainstream school.

“He has a longer commute than me each day, in a taxi with strangers, to allow him to access the education he deserves. And yet, here we have a new inclusive campus on our doorstep that excludes him.

“The new campus has taken the wider community, religion and many other factors into account when planning and financing the new site, but children with disabiliti­es were never on South

Ayrshire Council’s agenda or list of priorities.”

Lyndsay McRoberts, South Ayrshire Council’s director of education, said supports are in place.

She said: “We have a range of provisions and supports to ensure that the needs of all children and young people in South Ayrshire can be met.

“This includes three primary school bases, two secondary schools bases, two special schools, outreach teams in mainstream schools and staff in all schools.

“South Ayrshire Council has continued to invest in school estate, including ASN provision, in the Girvan and South Carrick area.

“This has resulted in a new special school at Invergarve­n, refurbishm­ent of Girvan Academy ASN base and investment in facilities at the current Girvan PS with a new build planned to open in the coming years.”

 ?? ?? The new education centre has cost millions of pounds
The new education centre has cost millions of pounds

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