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Rugby plan bids to transform ground

- Darren Gibson darren.gibson@newsquest.co.uk

ONE of South Ayrshire’s biggest sporting institutio­ns has announced the first phase to redevelop its home.

Ayr Rugby Club plans to regenerate its home turf of Millbrae, creating a facility to meet the club’s sporting and community ambitions for the next generation.

The club, which recently became a charity, delivers a wide range of activities, enabling community involvemen­t in a variety of settings and levels.

Club officials believe the proposals will strengthen the ability of the club to reach out further and act as a hub for sporting and community activities.

This is the first of a number of phases and the initial applicatio­n includes a new access road to Millbrae with associated car parking and landscapin­g.

The proposals include:

New access road to Ayr Rugby Football Club for pedestrian­s, cyclists and vehicles from Murdoch’s Lone.

Use of the existing access to the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum car park. Access to extend within the site.

New car parking with a total of 126 parking spaces.

New turning area and a parking area for two coaches.

The proposals are the first steps in a

lllwider multi-million-pound redevelopm­ent of Millbrae which could include an all-weather multi-sport pitch, new changing and training facilities, a community gym, clubhouse, function room and children’s play area.

Outlining the applicatio­n, Ayr Rugby Football Club chairman and project lead Brian Williamson said: “This applicatio­n unlocks the developmen­t with a new access road into Millbrae.

“We have had to work closely with the National Trust for Scotland and South Ayrshire Council to negotiate the purchase of land and a right of servitude to access Millbrae through land from Murdoch’s Loan.

“They have been very helpful and recognise the importance of this community project.

“But none of this would be possible without the financial support offered by The Macdonald Legacy.”

Alan Macdonald set up the Macdonald Legacy to honour his son, former player Barry Macdonald, who died suddenly in December 2020. The Macdonald family were long-term sponsors of Ayr Rugby Club with the Dawn company logo emblazoned on the kit for the past two decades.

 ?? ?? Plans have been revealed to develop the home of Ayr Rugby Club
Picture: Ayr Rugby Club
Plans have been revealed to develop the home of Ayr Rugby Club Picture: Ayr Rugby Club

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