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Alert after car thefts


EIGHT Ford vehicles have been stolen across in Ayrshire in March, prompting a police appeal.

Officers are asking owners of vehicles to be aware following a number of thefts across the region

Since the beginning of March, there have been eight Ford vehicles stolen from locations around Ayrshire.

Only one has since been recovered.

Inspector Stuart Dougan said: “Across Ayrshire we have seen an increase in keyless car thefts.

“We have a dedicated team of officers with the priority of investigat­ing these thefts and disrupting this criminal activity.

“The vehicles that have been stolen are often Ford vehicles, in particular Ford Fiesta and Ford Focus models, along with Ford Transit Vans.

“It is increasing­ly important that car owners stay one step ahead of criminals in the fight against this type of crime and would encourage vehicle owners to review their own vehicle security and to take a few extra precaution­s to support preventing this activity.

“There are a few simple things you can do to avoid becoming of a victim.

“When you are at home, keep your car keys or fobs away from the car, don’t leave them near your doors or windows.

“The use of a signal blocking pouch, also known as a Faraday pouch, can block the transmissi­on of the signal from the car key. You can buy these online.

“Using a steering lock can be an effective way of ensuring that your vehicle is not stolen. It can be a useful deterrent.

“If you have a garage, I strongly recommend you use it, to secure your vehicle out of sight.

“Vehicle trackers and tracking devices are also a form of additional security and can assist recovering stolen cars quickly.

“Ensure your vehicle is locked and secure and all valuables removed when not in use.

“Additional patrols will be carried out to prevent this kind of criminalit­y.

“If you witness any suspicious activity, I would ask you contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.”

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