Ayrshire Post

Man not guilty of cop run- in


A tiler has been cleared of abusing police after claiming they were harassing him.

S t e v e n Mc G r e g o r threatened to complain when two officers turned up at his work to check bail conditions.

PC Stuart Thomson told Ayr Sheriff Court McGregor became irate when they asked to speak to him while he was tiling at Townhead Street, Cumnock.

T h e Fe b r u a r y 1 3 disagreeme­nt continued when McGregor and the cops headed towards their vans.

PC Thomson said McGregor told him to ‘ f*** off’ after blocking entry to his police van, which was parked alongside his.

He said: “He was irate. I attempted to enter the vehicle. He opened the passenger door to his vehicle refusing me entry to mine.”

But defence lawyer Neil McPherson argued the vans were parked so closely together “it was impossible” to open the doors.”

Mr McPherson said: “Were you trying to wind him up?”

PC Thomson said: “No, not at any point.”

The solicitor said his client said: ‘“I’m going to the Chief Inspector because this is f*** ing harassment.’”

PC Melanie Frazer said: “We told him we needed two minutes of his time and we’d let him carry on with his work. He wasn’t happy we’d attended when he was working. He became angrier.”

McGregor denied behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner and Sheriff Mhairi MacTaggart found him not guilty after a trial last week.

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