Ayrshire Post

Driver hit pole while over limit


A roofer who nipped out to collect takeaway food was five times the drink drive limit.

He was so out of it he smashed his works van into a street pole.

Now James O’Neil has been banned from the roads for three years and fined £ 700.

Ayr’s Sheriff Desmond Leslie was incredulou­s that O’Neil and other drivers still get behind the wheel drunk when there are constant press reports and campaigns.

And he told him: “You were five times the legal limit and even under the old regulation this was still a significan­tly high reading and jail would be considered.

“However I am prepared to accept this was a big mistake on your part.”

O’Neil, of Green Street, Ayr, will keep his job with a local roofing firm, the court heard on Tuesday.

Prosecutor Scott Toal said it was 12.30am and Boswell Park pubs and clubs were busy.

It was taxi marshalls who saw O’Neill hit the pole in his Ford Transit and they alerted police.

O’Neill admitted driving on February 28 in Douglas Street with a breath count of 111, when the legal limit is 22.

Lawyer Tony Currie said: “He is a young man who made a bad mistake and he recognises that.

“He had been at home drinking alcohol and made the bad decision to order some food.

“He is very fortunate that his employer thinks enough of him that they will stand by him.”

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