Ayrshire Post

Binmen step up strike action

MSP urges two sides to get round the table

- Stuart Wilson

Striking binmen have dropped another bombshell in a bid to win their war with council chiefs.

Workers have begun staging two separate half hour stoppages every day until June 5 as they ramp up the pressure on bosses.

It follows week- long industrial action which failed to bring either side nearer a resolution in the long running dispute over new 10pm shifts.

Unite the Union, who say their members are “entrenched” for a long battle, began the latest action on Tuesday.

But both sides have been urged to “get around the table” this week by Ayr MSP John Scott, who said the row was causing a stink for the public.

He stressed: “The ongoing industrial action and the factors underlying it are clearly causing a significan­t disruption to what in other circumstan­ces is a very reliable and well- delivered local service.

“I would urge both sides to the dispute to keep talking in a bid to reach a fair and equitable resolution.”

Council bosses, who claim “85 per cent” of green bins were collected during the week of strike action, insist they are braced for the latest hit.

Refuse chief Mike Newall said: “We are disappoint­ed with this latest announceme­nt of strike action but we will continue to use all the means at our disposal to lessen the impact on householde­rs.

“We are continuing to collect brown bins that were missed as a result of the week long action and I thank residents for their cooperatio­n and for responding to our requests.”

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