Ayrshire Post

Racism charity funding threat

Council email was sent out in error

- Sarah Hilley

Council officers considered pulling their funding for a charity after a racism row involving Twitter.

Show Racism the Red Card blasted South Ayrshire depute provost Mary Kilpatrick in a press statement for backing calls to ban the burka on social media.

But when they sent a copy of the statement to South Ayrshire Council officials, a threatenin­g reply was fired back.

The Post understand­s the charity’s staff were shell- shocked to see an email from a council official discussing the cull of their £ 7500 grant – in tit- for- tat fashion.

The threat was mistakenly forwarded to them amid a flurry of reactive messages, it is believed.

Show Racism the Red Card runs a high- profile campaign in local schools, supported by Ayr United, to tackle racism using footballer­s as role models.

A source said: “I think it is absolutely outrageous that a public body should be keen to cover- up or suppress an anti- racist charity’s statements.”

After initially sending a strongly worded condemnati­on of Councillor Kilpatrick to the council, the charity released a second toned down statement.

It is believed the charity felt their original response was too strong after hearing more informatio­n about the circumstan­ces.

The re- worded comment said: “Show Racism the Red Card are concerned that anyone, let alone a public figure, would consider sharing potentiall­y divisive comments that may further contribute to a wider culture of intoleranc­e.

“However, we welcome Councillor Kilpatrick’s subsequent apology for her actions.”

The statement continued: “We have worked closely and in partnershi­p with South Ayrshire Council over a number of years to tackle racism and we will continue to do so.”

The Post contacted South Ayrshire Council with the full claims – and the local authority refused to deny the contents of the email.

Douglas Hutchison, director of educationa­l services, said: “Show Racism the Red Card ( SRRC) are one of a number of partner organisati­ons we work with on an ad- hoc basis to help deliver our equalities programme within schools.

“As such, there is no set or agreed level of funding provided by the council and we only pay for the specific services we commission – as and when we commission them.

“This will vary according to our requiremen­ts and focus at any given time. For example, in the 2014/ 15 school year, our focus for equalities was centred around Holocaust Memorial Day and we did no work with SRRC.

“However, we are committed to continuing our productive relationsh­ip with Show Racism the Red Card, as appropriat­e, to tackle racism and promote a fairer Scotland for all.”

The UK- wide organisati­on is backed by football stars including Ryan Giggs and Thierry Henry.

Conservati­ve councillor Kilpatrick faced calls to stand down after she retweeted messages branded antiIslami­c.

A motion from the SNP group demanded she abandon her civic duties but it was blanked at a full council meeting at County Buildings.

 ??  ?? Seeing red The Show Racism The Red Card campaign tackles racism using footballer­s as role models
Seeing red The Show Racism The Red Card campaign tackles racism using footballer­s as role models

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