Ayrshire Post

We ain’t rolling over - you can bank on that

- Stuart Wilson

A bank is facing the wrath of customers battling its shock closure.

Punters in Dalmelling­ton took to the streets this week in a stirring show of defiance against the RBS.

And they insisted they won’t go down without a fight as the firm prepares to close the “hugely popular” branch.

We told last week how bosses were pulling out of town, blaming a surge in online trade for their decision to bail.

But the move, the latest in a string of bank closures across the county, has sparked an outpouring of anger in the community.

Hundreds have already signed a petition with businesses insisting the ability to bank locally is key to their future.

Elaine Stewart, who rallied troops in a stormy protest outside the bank, insists they won’t go quietly before the planned closure in August.

Elaine, 50, said: “There has been no consultati­on from the RBS and everyone here is furious.

“There are regularly queues inside that bank so it’s rubbish to claim it’s not being used.

“Now we’ll have a mobile service shoved at us or face a 14 mile journey to Cumnock or even into Ayr.

“The bank are treating folk here like they’re stupid and it’s not on.

“The petition shows the strength of feeling and although it probably won’t change their mind, we’re not going to let it drop.”

Karen Currie, 50, added: “If you take folk out of the town to do their banking elsewhere, they end up spending their money elsewhere as well.

“This will hurt Dalmelling­ton so much.”

Corri Wilson, MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock, hit out at the bank’s decision to leave the Doon Valley “high and dry”.

She is now pleading with RBS bosses to reverse the decision.

The firm claims its branch has suffered a 16 per cent drop in transactio­ns since 2011, with only 54 customers on a “regular weekly basis”.

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