Ayrshire Post

Belleisle open at long last


I’m surprised the grand opening of the new Belleisle club house wasn’t accompanie­d by the wail of an air- raid siren.

It could have sounded an official “all clear” – letting councillor­s know the building was finished and it was finally safe to come out!

For more years than I care to remember, you couldn’t get leader Bill McIntosh to admit Belleisle even existed – never mind had huge problems.

But the moment the final light bulb was inserted – who should be there to wallow in the finished glory?

Step forward... Councillor Bill McIntosh.

Bill said the new facility was “well worth the wait”. I just want to know if it was well worth the cash.

Is there anyone in Castle Greyskull bold enough to tell us the difference between the starting estimate – and the final bill – for Belleisle’s new structure?

I see Provost Helen Moonie was also there – looking slightly confused.

Then somebody explained to her that this was actually an unveiling... and not a golden wedding.

And Councillor Bill Grant dropped in as well – golf club in hand.

Bill, I just hope that was a “posed up” picture they used last week.

But if that’s your REAL golf grip – club pro Richard Gordon has got his work cut out!

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