Ayrshire Post

Throwing a veil over burka row

Pay rise row isn’t the finest week


the question “What were you doing during the bin men’s strike?”

I doubt if many will come up with the correct answer “Actually, I was voting myself a pay rise”.

The only exception might be the noble independen­t Alec Clark who moved against the wage increase saying “it’s important to show the public we share cuts with them”.

But the bull elephants circled again with Ian Cavana saying “this is not a time to start show boating”.

So here’s one for Mr Cavana - “During an official strike and with council trade union members picketing on the streets, when is the right time for a LABOUR councillor to vote himself a pay rise?”

The answer apparently is “Right in the middle of it, thank you very much”.

He should hang his head in shame. So should every card carrying Labour member in the room with him.

Dammit, the whole council should be mortified with embarrassm­ent.

Sadly, no- one had the decency to pull out a “procedural motion” and postpone discussion of their wages and conditions until the unfortunat­e bin men had resolved theirs.

Councillor Bill Grant added “In my case, it equates to £ 4 a week and I happen to think I’m worth that”. Fair enough. But Bill, now that your pay has been settled – why not wander down to the picket line and ask a bin man how much he thinks he’s worth?

Why not wander down to the picket line and ask a bin man how much he’s worth?

 ??  ?? Controvers­ial South Ayrshire councillor and deputy provost Mary Kilpatrick
Controvers­ial South Ayrshire councillor and deputy provost Mary Kilpatrick

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