Ayrshire Post

Business is set to boom for new jobs

Major projects will have a positive knock- on effect

- Sarah Hilley

Get ready for a jobs bonanza in South Ayrshire this summer.

That is the message from Ayr Jobcentre chief Anne Connor who said firms are crying out for chefs and brickies.

The John Street hub is expecting hundreds of people to land posts at the Open, on new builds and at Turnberry in the next few months.

The latest employment statistics show there are 1,515 claimants on Jobseeker’s Allowance in South Ayrshire.

The figures have dived by 48 per cent since 2010.

Mananger Anne said: “We see constructi­on on the rise. That is a big one especially with all the new school builds, such as Marr College and Ayr Academy.

“They are often looking for young people so we can get them experience. There is a major buzz being created at the Open - it is an experience in itself working at the event. Although the positions are temporary it provides vital experience and looks excellent on CVs. “

Parking marshals and catering opportunit­ies are up for grabs at the Open Championsh­ip with Royal Troon golf club also advertisin­g posts.

There is a major shortage of culinary wizards - with cooks in big demand throughout the area.

Anne said: “Quite a number of companies are looking to recruit chefs. Trump Turnberry is also very exciting.

“We really welcome employers and local organisati­ons into the Jobcentre.”

Her team have also rolled out new coaching sessions to help youths find work.

The project - dubbed employabil­ity hub - gives training on job searching, CVs, interviews and other skills. A special area of the premises have been sectioned off for the purpose with printers and telephones at hand.

The career mecca is continuous­ly running events aimed at different industries.

 ??  ?? Bright future Ayr Jobcentre’s Anne Connor says the future is looking bright
Bright future Ayr Jobcentre’s Anne Connor says the future is looking bright

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