Ayrshire Post

Lesley remembers desert dream life

Arabian sights and sounds


Sarah Jane McDonald It is a story that begins in a Troon cafe, wandering to the far corners of the desert.

The first woman to fly through the ranks of Saudi Airlines has lifted the veil on her inspiring journey.

Scribbling down ideas alongside a collection of old photograph­s that echo her past, Lesley Sehli tells a story like no other.

The 58- year- old author, who was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, now asks Post readers what the title of her memoirs should be called as she pens the story of an extraordin­ary life.

Lesley, who is originally from Glasgow, flew out to Saudi Arabia in 1978 at the tender age of 20, finding herself working through the ranks of a male- dominated management stronghold at Saudi Arabian Airlines.

In this time she has played the role of an unsung hero, helping to free women from unfair imprisonme­nt and transporti­ng Saudi soldiers from the Gulf War.

And the fairytale continued as she found herself caught up in a whirlwind romance after a career that spanned 22 years, returning to Scotland to open a shooting estate with her husband - a far cry from her humble beginnings in Glasgow’s East End.

She said: “I first left Scotland 38 years ago and Arabia opened its arms to me, showing me this beautiful world filled with colour and excitement.

“During those years I became the first woman to work with an all- male team at Saudi Airlines.

“That year I became a facilitato­r and training specialist in the management team and it took me into a very different world.

“Over time I was head- hunted and wrote the cabin manual for the first ever Boeing 747 glass cockpit plane but, because of my position as a safety cabin inspector, my working life took a turn during the Gulf War and I was the only woman in a rescue team to evacuate Saudi soldiers from Kuwait, bringing them back home.

“I was then going into jails to rescue women who were unfairly imprisoned.

“Working within the rescue team, it was tough to witness at times.

“I can remember, as if it were yesterday, arriving in the women’s jail and saying ‘ I want you to keep together ladies. We are going to get you out, I promise’ – and we did.

“At the time I thought it was hard, being so limited in my capacity to help – I was just a girl in my 20s from Glasgow – but, looking back, we did so much good and helped so many people.

“But life in Saudi was not always hard. Okay, I had to be covered at all times and, despite some challenges, the people were so welcoming and I was totally devoted to my career.

“I am proud to have been the first woman to make a difference in the team.”

Twenty- two years later Lesley married into ‘ Dallas of Arabia’, a wealthy Saudi family, and hoped to settle down in Perthshire to live her dream of opening a shooting estate.

She said: “I fell in love and ended up marrying into one of the most powerful families within the northern region. Discoverin­g his wealth was honestly a surprise.

“From the Gulf War to palatial homes, I was given the chance to learn so much about a country that is little understood by the rest of the world, befriendin­g people through all walks of life.”

But what happened next on this journey threatens to be the poignant end to her adventure.

She pointed to her hair and continued: “This has grown back three times. I had aggressive breast cancer and my kidneys started failing last year. I have been receiving treatment at the Beatson Centre in Glasgow and the team are wonderful.

“During this time my husband left me. I was fighting for my life downstairs whilst he sold everything around me and dubbed me a bad investment.

“This was the point that I realised I might not be here in a few years and I refused to let this beat me. I knew it was time to pick up a pen and tell my story.

“I have been writing with Troon WritersWr Club and have been doing talkstal regularly throughout Troon. I hopeho to continue doing my seminars to i inspire people who have come up againstaga adversity.

“Following chemothera­py, radiothera­pyrad and trying out a ‘ miracle drug’,dru I have just managed to walk betterbe and these days I enjoy strolling alongalo the beach. If I am still here by 201820 the drug has worked.

“From my travels I am exactly wherewh I need to be now. Troon is suchsu a beautiful place, filled with incredible­inc people.”

LesleyL recently won the Watersones­Wa newcomers competitio­n withwit an extract from her book and has highhig hopes it will be a success.

SheS said: “I hope my story willwi inspire others to share their experience­sexp and to never give up despitede hardship.

“I need a strong title that can reflect my life and I will be sure to put a mention into my book for the winning name. They will receive a Waterstone­s voucher and be a VIP guest at my launch.”

To have your say on what Lesley’s inspiratio­nal story should be called email news@ ayrshirepo­st. co. uk.

 ??  ?? Fighter Lesley in the Beatson
Fighter Lesley in the Beatson
 ??  ?? Write stuff Lesley at work in Betsy’s Tea Room in Troon
200516sehl­i_ 01
Write stuff Lesley at work in Betsy’s Tea Room in Troon 200516sehl­i_ 01
 ??  ?? Internatio­nal Lesley alongside her team in Saudi Arabia
Internatio­nal Lesley alongside her team in Saudi Arabia

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