Ayrshire Post



Art exhibition Troon St Meddan’s Group are putting on an art exhibition hosted by Fraser’s Garden Centre, Dundonald for four weeks, which began on May 14. It’s a chance to go along and see a display of local artistic talent. Games Chieftain This year’s chieftain will be Robert Lind who is well- known around the village. An accomplish­ed gardener, Bob has won many prizes at flower shows and he has looked after the village flower tubs for several years. He was also very involved in setting up a youth club in the village. He is the first second generation chieftain, his mother Jenny having been Chieftain in 1992. He is wished well for this year’s games. Games fundraiser As a means of raising funds for the games, the committee are holding a casino night in the Montgomeri­e Hall on Saturday, June 11, at 7.30pm. Tickets priced £ 10 or £ 15 for two are available from Totally Pampered or committee members. There will be casino tables, a DJ, raffles and a bar. With rising cost of putting on the games, it is more vital than ever that this event is well supported. Rural AGM President Grace Kenmuir welcomed members to the AGM on Thursday last. She began by giving a resume of the previous session which had for the most part been very successful and meetings were well attended. The present committee have agreed to continue for another year. Sister Catriona Will then gave an informativ­e talk on keeping fit in the golden years and stressed the importance of exercise, diet and social interactio­n. She happily answered questions and gave out leaflets with handy tips on general well being. Grace thanked Catriona and the meeting ended with tea and goodies provided by the office bearers. The Points Trophy for competitio­ns throughout the year was won by Jean Gray, second was Elizabeth Munro and third Mary Dunlop. The annual outing to Burns Country takes place on Saturday, May 28, and the coach will leave the War Memorial at 11am. This year 10 ladies from Dundonald Northern Ireland will join them and, hopefully, the weather will oblige. • Gordon Stewart 01563 850703

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